PROJECT-X - FROM TEAM 17 THE COMPLETE DOCS PROJECT-X BACKGROUND: It`s the same old story, someone else`s mistake has become your problem.... The fools, the mad fools.. the scientists did it fr fun, they must have done, no one wanted massive mutated insect-like droids, the by-products of early bio-mechanical experiments with powerful x-rays, not me and you. Dumped on the planet Ryxx and presumably left to degenerate, stagnate and fade out - the sickening mutations not only survived but thrived, their intelligence circuits warped by the past and left seeking revenge. Fears of a possible all-out attack has forced the Federation into action! Your mission is simple: fly to Ryxx, into the heart of the station the evil has made it`s lair and blow the whole thing sky high. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS: Reset your Amiga and insert disk one. when the title screen appears, press the joystick button to access the menu. Further disk changes will be prompted during play. Project-X will make use of whatever extra memory or drives are connected to your machine. VIRUS WARNING: To avoid possible virus infection ALWAYS keep your Project-X gamedisks write protected & turn the power supply off for ten seconds before playing. SAVING HIGHSCORES TO DISK: At the request of many people we`ve included an optional feature to save your high-scores to disk. It`s not possible to save the scores to the Project-X disks so you will need another for this purpose. There is no need to format the disk, simply follow on-screen prompts. REMEMBER: DO NEVER SAVE YOUR SCORES TO THE GAMEDISKS! PLAYING THE GAME: The format of the game needs little introduction and can be picked up within a short period of time. Control your space-ship with the joystick and collect power-ups for bonus weapon systems. Expect many varied traps and surprises from your evil adversaries. Auto-fire is provided but a faster firing rate can be achieved manually with rapid trigger action. SELECTING YOUR SPACE-CRAFT: A selection of three space-craft are availiable for selection during play, each having it`s own strengths and weaknesses. POWER-UPS: As you collect credits you are able to select strnger, more powerful weapons or enhance your current ones. when you lose a life, most weapons degenerate to a certain degree. To select a weapon or power-up, you can press either of the following: the space bar, the button on another connected joystick, the second button on a sega compatible joystick or you can "waggle" the joystick left-right quickly. Your ship will become heavy and sluggish if you try and add too much on, so think before you select! Speed Up : Boosts your ships handling speed, a couple are useful, essential even.. but too many could be a hindrance. Gun : The standard gun on your ship is pitifully weak, but you can upgrade it quickly to a more powerful force. Build Up : If you hold down your button, a powerful energy bolt will be unleashed.. however you will forfeit any other means of action in the progress.. but that`s the price of power! Not availiable if using Auto-Fire! Sideshots : These nifty bits of kit enable you to fire in both directions at once.. availiable in many power-ups. Plasma : These energy bolts are just the thing to wipe away oncoming evils.. availiable in many power-ups. Missiles : These awesome homing missiles track onto enemies and wreak havoc upon them.. a maximum of four can be used at once although stronger weapons limit use to two because of the energy needed. Lazer : A super-powerful cutting lazer, availiable in powerful, very powerful and incredibly powerful! The Lazer requires huge bolts of energy, certain other weapons will be redundant when the lazer is in use. Magma : This weapon fires a bolt of flame at the enemy, hot stuff indeed! Requires a lot of energy, other weaponry is weakened. Stealth : Valuable for those knife-edge situations, this shield saves many lives when the going get`s tough. The selection bar will turn GREY when your current weapon is at full power, the current ready-for-selection option is always highlighted when you are in credit. OTHER KEYS: P.... Pause Game TAB.. Toggle status bar on/off ESC.. Quit Current Game ONE OR TWO PLAYERS: Project-X can be played by one or two players although not at the same time. Both players use the same joystick, plugged in Gameport two. In two player mode, the game will not load a new level until both players have completed the current one - this is to save any unnecessary disk access. In the event of one player completing the current level, the other player will carry on until all lives are lost or the level is completed, in which case the next level would be loaded and the game continued. ABOUT TEAM 17.... Based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England - we use only the best quality programmers, artists and musicians to bring you the ultimate in Amiga arcade action - like you`ve never seen before. We were also responsible for the budget game hit "Full Contact" and the highly succesful "Alien Breed". WHY DO PROJECT-X ? We looked at similar games on the Amiga, asked players what they wanted and what they would like to see - and came up with this, our solution. The Amiga s an extremely powerful machine and we felt that the ultimate "classic" shoot`em-up had yet to be written, there had been plenty of good attempts but we reckoned we could do much better. Have we? Well, that`s for you to decide. TECHNICAL STUFF: For those interested, who haven`t nodded off yet.. Project-X was written using ASM-ONE assembler on an A3000. It uses a full Pal overscan display in 32 colours (we think this is a first for this type of game) scrolling most objects/backgroungs at 50 Frames/Sec. It contains 2megs of 32 colour gfx, 200K of music (synth/samples), 400K of speech/sound-fx, parallax bonus section running at 50 Frames, extra sprite routines using the new Fat Agnus chip, Copper routines (giving unlimited colours on-screen from a possible 4.096) - some parallax. Everything was designed and produced entirely on the Amiga. CREDITS: Programming/Design: Andreas "Bloody Swede" Tadic Graphics/Design : Rico "Beanbag" Holmes Music/Sound Fx : Allister "Sheep`n`Shoes" Brimble Speech Samples : Chris "Newkie Brown" Brimble Disk Format/Coding: Rob, Northern Software Additional Help : Stefan "BBS" Boberg Packaging/Design : EIS Design, Dewsbury Additional Music : DENS Design (By Bjorn "Awesome" Lynne) Project Manager : Martyn "Spadge" Brown End............